Learn more about the
"Hope for Today. Hope for Tomorrow. Gala Charity Dinner"

We need your help spreading the word about the "Hope for Today. Hope for Tomorrow. Gala Charity Dinner", which will raise funds for Hope Homes International and The English Advantage in Puerto Escondido, Acapulco, Veracruz, Mexico, and Quito, Ecuador!



Share this invitation with anyone you know who can give significantly and has the heart to do so. You can download the PDF or share the link to the event/donation page.

2 - Sponsor a Colleague

Sponsor a person to attend for $125 or a table of 10 for $1,000. Sponsoring helps raise funds and provides a great dinner experience for those there to hear the vision.


Email Terri Brown at terribrown1223@yahoo.com if your company or you would like to participate in this way.

4 - PRAY:

This event requires prayer. We need to raise $1.2M by October 1 to purchase the land in Puerto Escondido and additional funds for the other locations. This requires a miracle over the next several months.

5 - GIVE

If you feel led to give, you can donate online to the "Frontier Fund" or in person.

Hope Homes International is a Colorado nonprofit corporation in process of receiving 501(c)(3) status with the IRS. The tax deductibility of donations made to Hope Homes is ultimately dependent on the IRS granting Hope Homes official 501(c)(3) status. We currently have no reason to believe that exemption status will be denied, and donors should note that all donations made to an entity ultimately deemed to merit 501(c)(3) status are retroactively treated as charitable contributions for tax purposes. However, The English Advantage, which does have full 501(c)(3) status, is a key partner in Hope Homes Puerto Escondido project and is joining with Hope Homes to purchase the land and build the future facility that will house both programs. You can give to The English Advantage directly, or you can give through The English Advantage who has a designated fund for Hope Homes Puerto Escondido, which entirely goes to Hope Homes, by clicking the link above.